get in touch with hot single* guys *not all members of Penumbrae are single
For booking, more info, general BS, or if you want to be added to our mailing list, email us at penumbrae_music@hotmail.com. Mike Luke, The Drummer. Email: AmidaTong@aol.com Dennis Ming, The non-Drummer. can be reached via lucent dreaming or via email: spiderming@hotmail.com and don't forget to visit our IUMA.com site to download MP3s by clicking here.
For booking, more info, general BS, or if you want to be added to our mailing list, email us at penumbrae_music@hotmail.com.
Mike Luke, The Drummer. Email: AmidaTong@aol.com
Dennis Ming, The non-Drummer. can be reached via lucent dreaming or via email: spiderming@hotmail.com
and don't forget to visit our IUMA.com site to download MP3s by clicking here.
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