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Ten fingers...soon to be eleven!

Ming after too many dips in the sea of Samsara

Ming is writing his biography in third person. He was born in a hospital. His love of music started when he began listening to hardcore gangsta rap at an early age. In an attempt to straighten him out, his dad gave him a guitar at age 11 and said, "Learn this, jackass!" He did and he also began playing euphonium, trombone, bass guitar, and eventually banjo.  He knows he has a future in music even though that future may be eating bologna sandwiches and moochiong off his girlfriend and random whores, but he accepts that and welcomes it full-heartedly!! 
A few years ago, Ming became obsessed with The Stick (a bass/guitar hybrid instrument that is played by tapping the strings on the fretboard).  His obsession drove him mad....almost to suicide! but rather than end his life, he decided to eat an apple.  After his meal, he began experimenting with his bass guitar and came up with his own method of playing by tapping the strings as well as the more common strums, plucks, pops, slaps, and whatnot.  He then started Penumbrae with Mike and began the excessive rockstar lifestyle.
Bass Guitar Influences:
Tony Levin, Trey Gunn, Geddy Lee, Chris Squire, Micheal Manring, Victor Wooten, Justin Chancellor, John Myong, pretty much anyone with technique, tone, and something interesting to say......
Other Influences (in no order):
Frank Zappa, Dmitri Shostakovich, Micheal Brecker, King Crimson, EmersonLakeandPalmer, Pink Floyd, Chemical Brothers, Aphex Twin, Tabla Beat Science, Rush, Crybaby Wah©, Rage Against the Machine, Sonic Youth, Korn, Tool, The Smashing Pumpkins, Mr. Bungle, Primus, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Dream Theatre, Tim Penn, Mike Luke, pretty much anything that isn't tainted by greed......

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