Describing the music of Penumbrae is like describing a is firm and soft on the outside, tender and squishy on the inside, and in the middle is a large seed.
How this explains our music? We haven't figured it out. But here are what both of our fans have to say:
"Mike's drumming is like learning Calculus from a retard. A lot of mathematics are involved, but it is really fun to watch."
-Dennis Ming
"Penumbrę is the band of the future. They balance technical grace with teen appeal; the tap-bass method of Ming is phenomenal, and Mike is really cute."
Actually, our music isn't that hard to describe. I can only hope that our music appeals on two levels. First, to the nonmusicians and others who don't understand it: i hope it still sounds cool and is entertaining. Second, to the musicians and those who understand it: I hope that in some way our music, creativity, mathematics, or emotion influences you to cheer, clap, flick us off, curse at us, or say hello to us via email, because the fuel for music is emotion. Whether influenced or genuine, musicians will take any fuel that is offered.